Let us get the basic message of this video out of the way, shall we? Drugs are bad. They are very bad! According to numerous studies, about 1 in 20 people in the world abuse drugs to some degree. That’s about 230 million people, and that is a lot of druggies walking around the planet. With new drugs being created and tested each day, it seems that there is no end to the infamous “War on Drugs” and it seems that we’re losing, considering the amount of people who abuse drugs. There have been countless arguments and debates over what exactly is a drug, since marijuana is illegal while nicotine and alcohol, which have shown to be just as addicted as illegal narcotics with similar withdrawal effects, are perfectly legal.
When a drug is abused over time, such as methadone, or amphetamines, they create an altered euphoric state of mind that messes with the brain. These drugs can actually force the brain to become more dependent on elevated levels of various brain chemicals that it cannot produce on its own without drugs. See how these drugs can become addictive? What tragically happens often is that a drug abuser will go get treatment and get clean, then they go back to the original amounts of drugs they were abusing before and end up dying from an overdose.
Many of these drugs can be created from household products like cough syrup and bleach. Or, they can be prescriptions from a doctor that end up getting overused and abused. The drug market has become one of the most dangerous businesses to get into, as numerous gangs and mafias use drugs to make money and fund their other illegal activities.
The rise in the use of drugs inspired the United States to create the D.A.R.E. program, as well as create ads such as the iconic commercial of a girl happily singing a song while displaying clear effects of using meth. If you haven’t done a search on what people look like before and after drugs, then you will be astounded as to how much drugs can change a person’s appearance, let alone their mental state and brain function.
For example, cocaine creates an extreme high that lasts for about 15-20 minutes and gives the brain an overload of dopamine. This overload causes the brains natural dopamine receptors to shut down. What ends up happening is that once the high is over, the body will start to crave more and more, and thus, beginning a cocaine addiction that is hard to shake. The same effect happens in crack cocaine as well, which is a free form version of regular cocaine.
However, if there is one drug that is the absolute worse to get addicted to, then it is definitely heroin. It is considered to be one of the most addictive drugs ever created. It causes the brain to release 100 times the amount of dopamine than an orgasm, and creates a euphoric and numb high that can last longer than other drugs. Heroin will actually force the body to start needing it and craving it, and the withdrawals to the drug are one of the worst of its kind with sickness that can last for weeks.