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Canada Marijuana legalization Bill C-45 Officially Passes Senate Vote

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Great news today, the Senate has voted to accept the government’s latest version of the long-debated legal marijuana legislation, this allows the way forward for the bill to pass into Canadian law.

 On Tuesday, June 19 in the evening, the Senate voted 52-29 to approve the government’s newest version of Bill C-45.

 A recent change in the legislation will allow home grown marijuana permitted across, this was a desire that the government’s wanted and a proposal from the Senate to allow provinces and territories to ban them has been stripped from the final bill.  This is great news for people wanting to grow the proposed 4 plants at home, however, for patients who are looking to grow larger quantities for their personal medication, we suggest learning how you can apply to grow Cannabis for yourself.

Cannabis is not yet legal in Canada so don't expect to go and buy it tomorrow because it is not expected to be available until late August or early September. The Federal Government has provided the provinces and municipalities eight to 12 weeks for their final preparations, but BUYING CANNABIS in Canada will become a reality in a few months.  Bill C-45 will now move to royal assent, the final step in the legislative process for, this could occur within days at the government’s discretion.

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