
Vin Maru is an editor for Invest In MJ, Tech Investor Report, Golden Fortunes and TDV Golden Trader.

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Marijuana Is Polling Better Than Candidates For The 2016 Election

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For a while now we have been excited about the legal Cannabis sector and the opportunities for investments seem endless.  Over a year ago, we started covering the marijuana sector at Invest In MJ and it has been interesting watching the politicians finally taking a serious look at their stance on marijuana.  

It wasn’t too long ago that marijuana was a taboo subject and that most politicians didn’t want to broach the subject let alone provide their stance or political views on it.   Most career politicians opposed the idea of marijuana legalization because it didn’t get them votes or the lobbyist were very successful in their efforts to keep  cannabis classified as a schedule I drug.  Without actually doing any real research on marijuana or seeking out the truth on its medicinal benefits, they still hold the notion that cannabis is a gateway drug and that it should remain illegal.  The ignorance in DC is astounding or its just plain criminal that they still want to maintain control over the masses by making a plant illegal.  However they are losing The War Against a Plant and the debate is about to heat up in 2015 and 2016.

In a recent article and poll posted on The Washington Post, we can clearly see that Weed is polling better than the entire field of candidates for the 2016 elections.  While Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush may be the leading candidates when it comes to favourability ratings, medical marijuana is clearly the leader and recreational marijuana still beats out these contenders.  With over 80% in favor of medical marijuana and just over 50% for recreational, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida have spoken and they are more in favor of marijuana than they are of the various candidates.  If this poll of the three key swing states is any indications of what people want, I am sure US citizens would vote in favour of medical marijuana over any politician… that is if Med MJ was on the ballet.  


While the dysfunctional US gov’t may never address the real issues and problems it creates (endless wars, highest incarceration rate in the world, being a bankrupt country and the flaws of central banking), it may have to address marijuana as a Schedule I drug.  Obama has opened up the doors towards legalization and he recently commuted the sentences of 22 drug offenders which marks the largest of such “pot pardons” since he took office.  Obama had issued 21 commutations and 64 pardons over the course of his presidency while his predecessor George Bush commuted only 11 sentences.  The question is… will the new candidates close the doors on marijuana legalization once they get into power or leave it open and allow the masses to walk through without being criminalized.  

While medical marijuana will never be on the 2016 ballet (even though it should be since it is what people want); it sure will become one of most talked about topics in the coming years.  We believe medical marijuana will be one of the hottest topics of debate for this up and coming election. However, if we truly lived in a democratic world, we should be voting on topics that matter and what the people really want.  Instead we are stuck having to select one political party or another, both of which seek power to advance their master’s agenda and not addressing the wishes of the masses.

Should marijuana be legalized and would you vote for it?  Let us know what you think.

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Vin Maru is an editor for Invest In MJ, Tech Investor Report, Golden Fortunes and TDV Golden Trader.  He also researched and wrote "Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge (GYGOOD)", a complete 125 page compendium on how to safely internationalize your precious metals holdings.


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